Begin3 Title: bwBASIC Version: 2.20 Entered-date: 06AUG2000 Description: Bywater BASIC Interpreter The Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) implemented in ANSI C, and offers a simple interactive environment including some shell program facilities as an extension of BASIC. The interpreter has been compiled successfully on a range of ANSI C compilers on varying platforms with no alterations to source code necessary. Keywords: freedos, basic Author: Ted A. Campbell Jon Volkoff Maintained-by: Ted A. Campbell Jon Volkoff Primary-site: Alternate-site: bwbasic-2.20.tar.Z Original-site: Platforms: dos, unix Copying-policy: free of charge for non-commercial applications End