BIN2C(1) BIN2C(1) NNAAMMEE bin2c - Translate a binary file into a C source SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS bbiinn22cc [/aa] aarrrrnnaammee iinnffiillee [>outfile] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _B_i_n_2_c converts a binary file into a C source file contain- ing an (unsigned char) array initialized with the file contents. OOPPTTIIOONNSS //?? Display a little help screen. //aa Force 7-bit output. Normally characters with the ASCII values 128..254 are included as characters. With this option set, those characters will be included in hexadecimal form. aarrrrnnaammee This defines the name of the array. iinnffiillee The file, which will be converted. oouuttffiillee The file, in which the converted text shall be stored. KKNNOOWWNN BBUUGGSS +o None. SSEEEE AALLSSOO None CCOONNTTRRIIBBUUTTEERRSS Steffen Kaiser Ernst-Thlmann-Strae 2 D-09126 Iden Deutschland - Germany 08 August 1995 1