JOIN(1) JOIN(1) NNAAMMEE join - mount a drive letter into a directory SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS join /? join dr1 dr2 join dr /d join DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _j_o_i_n has been designed to manipulate the CDS ( D S direc- tory of another drive. _j_o_i_n is part of the _s_w_s_u_b_s_t package. It can be created, if it does not already exist, by copying the executable swsubst.exe to join.exe OOPPTTIIOONNSS /? Displays a little help screen. /d Causes _j_o_i_n to break off the relation between the directory and the JOIN'ed drive dr dr is SUBST'ed and not JOIN'ed, the relation is been broken off, too. dr1: dr2:path Causes _j_o_i_n to join drive dr1 into path on drive dr2 dr1 is already SUBST'ed or JOIN'ed, this rela- tion will be broken off. path need not neither exist nor fully qualified. It will be created as well as the full path relative to the current work- ing directory on drive dr2 without any parameter This dumps a list onto the screen containing all JOIN'ed drives in the form: X: => Y:PATH; where Y:PATH is the fully-qualified path and X: JOIN'ed in drive. If there is no JOIN'ed drive, no output occurs. SSEEEE AALLSSOO swsubst, subst. KKNNOOWWNN BBUUGGSS o Networked drives cannot be used. o Sometimes JOIN's onto a floppy drive won't work for 22 May 1995 1 JOIN(1) JOIN(1) unknown reason. CCOONNTTRRIIBBUUTTEERRSS Steffen Kaiser Mittelstra'ae 112/B115 53757 Sankt Augustin - Menden Deutschland - Germany e-mail: Steffen.Kaiser@@FH-Rhein-Sieg.DE 22 May 1995 2