LIB (1) Free-DOS Alpha 4 release LIB (1) NNAAMMEE: lib - librarian for OBJ files, creating a LIB file SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS: _l_i_b [{ooppttiioonn}] libfile [{ooppttiioonn}] [{ccoommmmaanndd}] [ , lliissttffiillee ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN: _l_i_b creates a library (LIB file) archiving object modules (OBJ files). These libraries can be used by linkers. OOPPTTIIOONNSS: /? Display a help screen. /AA Internally globbed filenames are allowed with the "+" command. This allows to refresh modules in a library rather than update the complete library. This option is ignored, if the _/_G option is not set. (See there for more information.) All modules with the command "+-" attached are refreshed. If there exists no OBJ file with the module name, a warning is issued and the original module remains unchanged in the library. /CC Informs the librarian, that the symbols in the library are case-sensitve. Otherwise, all symbols are considered case-insensitve. This option effects only the library index (also known as library directory). The symbol declarations within the OBJ modules themselves are left unchanged. The effect of this option lasts until the library index is constructed again. /DD Double modules will be accepted in the library. This allows to add modules with the same name but different contents as well as to add the same file over and over again. /GG Glob wildcards internally. Normally all wildcards are globbed according external files. So the call LIB libfile - m* will subtract all modules corresponding to the files matching "M*.OBJ" in the current directory, whereas LIB libfile /g - m* will subtract all modules, which names start with the letter "M", from the library. This option is ignored for all modulenames with the symbol "+" unless the option _/_A is specified. /HH Display the list of options and a short description. /II[=[#]] Display information about the page size of the library. The information is displayed as the last output of the application and contains one line for different page sizes: the current, the minimal, the maximal, and the optimal one. If the library has been changed, the output refers to the resulting (the new) library, but, if the page size has also -1- LIB (1) Free-DOS Alpha 4 release LIB (1) been changed, another line for the original page size will be printed. See also the "PAGE SIZE" section. Below the table with the page sizes the number of used pages within the library index is displayed. If the original library was already created by LLIIBB and no modifications has been made to the library, this number will not change. The ccuurrrreenntt page size is the size actually used in the library The oorriiggnnaall page size is the size of the original library (the .BAK file). The mmiinniimmaall page size is the smallest page size, which allows to create the library. Mostly, this is the best (optimal) page size, too. The mmaaxxiimmaall page size specifies the size of the largest OBJ module of the library, and, thus, a larger size will add additional pad bytes to aallll modules in the library. The ooppttiimmaall page size is the calculated size to minimize the complete library filling all the available pages with the maximum amount of bytes. Because of the internally used heuristic this size is pprroobbaabbllyy the best. Otherwise the calculation would require to much time; try the _/_I_=_0 option for the correct size. NNoottee: The optimal page size is calculated according the library size except the slack area, but including the pad bytes of the pages. Each line displays four numbers: 1) the page size itself, 2) the size of the data area of the library of that particular size, 3) the amount of unused pad bytes of the last page (slack area), and 4) the amount of unused pad bytes of all other pages. If the alignment of the library index is not disabled (see _/_X option), the sizes of the slack area and the data area are summed and displayed as the size of the data area (position 2). In the other case, when the alignment is disabled, a '+' sign is displayed between the positions 2 and 3 and the number are not summed. The size of the resulting library file is equal to: The size of the data area plus the number of index pages * 512. The optional argument for this option varies the search range. The higher the number is, the more time is spent for the search. If the number is zero (0) or 65535, all available page sizes between the minimal and the maximal size are tested. -2- LIB (1) Free-DOS Alpha 4 release LIB (1) If the amount of page sizes to be tested seems to be high and time consuming, a counter is displayed. The counter is suppressed, if the "/S" or "/Q" option is enabled or the standard output stream is redirected. The standard value, which will be used, if the option is given without the number _/_I_= can be retrieved with the _/_V option. If the option is specified without both the number and the equal sign, the value defaults to 11, thus, displaying only the current, the minimal, and the maximal page size. /MM Module names are left unchanged. An OBJ file contains a field, where the module's name is stored. Because the contents of this field is not standardized, normally, this name is replaced by the upper-cased module's file name (without the extension). Doing so asures that there is no invalid character string in the field, because it is used to name the module, firstly, when naming modules at the command line and, secondly, to name the file when extracting a module. _N_o_t_e: An invalid contents can make the module unextractable! But all information stored in the particular module is still available. (See also the _/_= option) /PP=# Set the page size to the amount of # bytes. See also the "PAGE SIZE" section. /QQ Disable all output except warning and error messages. /SS Disable the output, which module is currently added, extraced, or subtracted. /VV Display the version control information and some values of built-in bounds and how many far memory is available. /WW Suppress the warning that a module associated with a replace or refresh order "-+" was not already found in the library. /XX Do not align the library index at a 512 byte boundary. The library index consists of pages of a fixed length of 512 bytes. Because of the heavy useage of this part of the library the index is aligned to a 512 byte boundary to decrease its access time. In the worst-case to align the index wastes 509 bytes in the library. With this option set the minimal size of a library containing no OBJ module is (512 + 2 * page_size), thus, 544 bytes when the page size is equal to 16 bytes. To not align the library index reduces the size of the resulting LIB file by the size of the slack area, which can be dislayed with the _/_I option. /:ffiillee Use the special extraction feature and report the extractions into "file". If the library contains modules with a destroyed or unmodified name (see the _/_M option), it can be possible that LLIIBB is unable to extract the particular module. In the -3- LIB (1) Free-DOS Alpha 4 release LIB (1) special extraction mode only commands attached with the "*" symbol (extraction) are accepted and internal globbing (see the _/_G option) is always enabled. But instead of naming the OBJ file name of the extracted module after the module's name field the OBJ files are named ###.OBJ Where ### is a continuous number. In "file" the rename process is logged, two lines are written for each extracted module, e.g.: original name: "~~~~~~~~~~~" new name: "###.OBJ" Where ~~~ is the original contents of the module's name field and ### the continuous number. The quotation marks shall indicate the start and the end of the names. AAtttteennttiioonn: The extracted files happily overwrites any existing files! CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS: The commands describe how to modify the library. Each command has the form: [{  ssyymmbbooll  }]  {  mmoodduulleennaammee  } mmoodduulleennaammee This list specifies the modules to be extracted or subtracted or the file names containing the modules to be added. mmoodduulleennaammee may contain wildcards and a path or an extension. The path specification is ignored when it matches a module to subtract or to extract. The extension is ignored when matching a module to subtract. SSyymmbbooll  - Order to subtract modules. SSyymmbbooll  + Order to add new modules or to join a library. LLIIBB does automatically detect, if a module or a library is about to be added. The extension is not in need for the detection. SSyymmbbooll  * Order to extract modules without subtracting them from the library. The files are overwritten without notifying if they already exist. SSyymmbbooll  & It is completely ignored. See the section DIFFERENCES. The symbols _+ and _* must not be combined, because it makes no sense to add a new module but simultaneously extract the same module. Furthermore, the extracted module would overwrite the same file as it would be added later. Symbols can be combined in any order possibly delimited by whitespaces. If the same module name has been specified more than once, either directly or by globbing wildcards, all specified symbols become active, for instance the commands: + module1 * mod* attaches the symbols "+*" to the module "module1". This causes an error, because both symbols must not be combined. _N_o_t_e: Because the wildcard _* is also a valid symbol, the modulename must not start with this wildcard. -4- LIB (1) Free-DOS Alpha 4 release LIB (1) LLIIBB offers to join libraries together. This can be done by specifying the library to add as a command with only the symbol _+ attached. _N_o_t_e: If other symbols are also set, the name of the library is treated as a OBJ file name! To specify: lib lib -+ library.LIB does nnoott mean that all modules stored in "library.LIB" are subtracted from "lib.lib" and then added from it. Instead the line is interpreted like that: lib lib - library.OBJ + library.LIB This also implies that a library does not necessarily has been named with the extension ".LIB". LLIIBB automaticly detects a library file and joins it when the "+" symbol is processed. Unless the _/_A option is enabled, mmoodduulleennaammeess with the symbol '+' are always matched according to external files and will ignore the _/_G option. PPAAGGEE  SSIIZZEE: A page is the smallest addressable portion of the library. The specification allows a maximum of 65,535 pages (minus 2 for internal purpose) to store modules in. If the error message that there are too many modules stored in the library or that there are not enough pages is issued, the resulting library would contain more than 65,533 modules. The library must be splitted into two libraries. The smallest possible page size may vary, at time of manual, it is 16, but the _/_V option reveals the actually range of a valid page size. When the number of modules grows larger the standard page size can become too small, in this case, LLIIBB automatically increases the current page size and rewrites the library. It is possible that the library must be rewritten more than once within a single run of LLIIBB. Unfortunately, LLIIBB does not automaticly decrease the page size if possible. After subtracting many modules the library should be tested with the _/_I_= option. There is no need to avoid specific page sizes, e.g. a size of 61 is as good as 64. LLIIBB does not honour specific sizes. It will neither be much slower nor much faster with particular sizes. Therefore the page size should be set to a value, which minimizes the amount of pad bytes need to be inserted after each module, in order to minimize the complete size of the library. The very exact value can be calculated by invoking the command: LIB /i=0 library.LIB The output contains the value of page size to minimize (optimize) the size of the library "library.LIB". -5- LIB (1) Free-DOS Alpha 4 release LIB (1) Because the library index is aligned by default to set the page size to its optimal value need not actually decrease the library size. Turning off the alignment (see the _/_X option) results in the smallest possible library size. Some other librarians may have problems dealing with a LIB file created by LIB, if the page size is not equal to 16, because they support only specific page sizes. However, linkers do not seem to have such irregularities. LLIISSTTFFIILLEE: A listfile may be added to the command line and must be separated by a comma from the ccoommmmaannddss. If the exitension is not specified, it defaults to ".LST". The file is overwritten without notifying if it already exists. Into this file all publics are dumped, arranged by modules, e.g.: MSG_0000 size = 513 _E_hlpScreen MSG_0001 size = 20 _E_rmHlpScreen This means, that the library contains the two modules "MSG_0000" and "MSG_0001". The first module defines the symbol "_E_hlpScreen" and the second one the symbol "_E_rmHlpScreen". The "ssiizzee  =  #" information displays the size of the OBJ file that would be created, if the module would be extracted. DDIIFFFFEERREENNCCEESS: There are the following differences to other librarians: oo There may be multiple module names for one symbol. oo The modules can contain wildcards ("*" and "?"). oo Symbols are not recognized, if they are appended to a module name, e.g. "m1+m2" is not equal to "m1" "+" "m2". oo Response files "file" may be used in the ccoommmmaannddss section only. oo The lines within response files need not be concated via the '&' character, e.g. the sequence: "+ m1 & + m2 + m3" is interpreted as "+ m1 + m2 + m3" rather than "+ m1 + m2". oo The character '&' is interpreted as a symbol with no meaning, e.g. "-+& m1" is legal and equal to "-+ m1". oo While adding a file to the library LLIIBB automatically detects if this file contains a library or a OBJ module. If the file is a library, all modules stored in it are appeneded; if the file is an OBJ module, only this OBJ is appended. oo The comma ',' delimiting the listfile from former parts of the command line must be separated from the options by a -6- LIB (1) Free-DOS Alpha 4 release LIB (1) whitespace; Otherwise it does not indicate a listfile. oo Some librarians support only specific page sizes. EERRRROORRLLEEVVEELLSS: 00 No error or only minor warnings were encountered. 33 ^Break or ^C pressed to terminate the program. 110000 A file to add could not be found. 110011 A module to subtract or to extract was not found. 110022 The library contains a symbol twice. 110033 A file to add was already found in the library. 112255 Version information issued. 112277 The help screen was issued. aallll  ootthheerrss Indicate an error. If more than one warning associated with the errorlevels 100 through 103 were encountered, the last one is returned. SSEEEE  AALLSSOO: Compiler, assembler, linker. KKNNOOWWNN  BBUUGGSS: oo Because the character '*' is a valid symbol as well as a valid wildcard in the module name, the module name must not start with an asterisk. Just prepend the path, e.g.: "+ *.obj" ==> "+ .\\*.obj" oo The smallest library has 1024 bytes: 512 bytes for one library index page and, because this index page is aligned on a 512 byte boundary, 512 bytes for the library structure and pad bytes. See also the _/_X option. oo If some moduls match each other, it is undefined which symbol is attached to which modul and if some modul specifications are joined together. Although, most such conditions will be detected and warned. oo If a replaced module, "-+" or "+-", cannot be opened for reading, it is subtracted from the library but not re-added. oo The library join feature treats the name of the library to join as an OBJ file name, while copying the original library and subtracting and extracting files. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS: lliibb  /cc  mmssgg  +  ./*  ,,  mmssgg.llsstt Will add all files matching "*.OBJ" to the library "MSG.LIB" in the current directory and create the listfile "MSG.LST". If the library is not existing, it is created. lliibb  /cc  mmssgg  /gg  -  ./* Clears the library "MSG.LIB". This command will subtract all modules from the library. lliibb  mmssgg  /ccgg  -+  ./* Will subtract all modules, which also have a corresponding "*.OBJ" file in the current directory, then add them. This means to replace the modules in the library with the module in the corresponding OBJ-file, but also add modules, if they -7- LIB (1) Free-DOS Alpha 4 release LIB (1) are not already in the library. lliibb  mmssgg  /ccggaa  -+  ./* Will subtract all modules from the library, which also have a corresponding "*.OBJ" file in the current directory, then add them. In opposite of the command above, no module is added, which is not already in the library. DDIISSCCLLAAIIMMEERR: Librarian for LIB/OBJ compatible libraries and modules Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Steffen Kaiser This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. CCOONNTTRRIIBBUUTTEERRSS: Steffen Kaiser Ernst-Th„lmann-Straáe 2 D-39606 Iden Deutschland - Germany e-mail: Steffen.KaiserT-Online.DE James W. Lynch e-mail: Thanks to the anonymous collector of the OBJLIB.ZIP package, who refered to himself as "me". -8-