SUBST(1) SUBST(1) NNAAMMEE subst - substitute a path by a drive letter. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS subst /? subst dr1 dr2 subst dr /d subst DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _s_u_b_s_t is designed to manipulate the CDS ( D S by a drive letter. _s_u_b_s_t is part of the _s_w_s_u_b_s_t package. It can be created, if it does not already exist, by copying the executable swsubst.exe to subst.exe OOPPTTIIOONNSS /? Displays a little help screen. /d Causes _s_u_b_s_t to break off the relation between the drive letter dr and the substituted path. If dr is JOIN'ed and not SUBST'ed, the relation is been bro- ken off, too. dr1: dr2:path Causes _s_u_b_s_t to substitute the path on drive dr2 with the drive letter dr1 dr1 is already SUBST'ed or JOIN'ed, this relation will be broken off. path need not neither exist nor fully qualified. It will be created as well as the full path relative to the current working directory on drive dr2 without any parameter This dumps a list onto the screen containing all SUBST'ed drives in the form: X: => Y:PATH; where Y:PATH is the fully-qualified path and by X: sub- stituted path. If there is no SUBST'ed drive, no output occurs. SSEEEE AALLSSOO swsubst, join. KKNNOOWWNN BBUUGGSS o Networked drives cannot be used. o Sometimes substitutions onto a floppy drive won't 22 May 1995 1 SUBST(1) SUBST(1) work for unknown reason. CCOONNTTRRIIBBUUTTEERRSS Steffen Kaiser Mittelstra'ae 112/B115 53757 Sankt Augustin - Menden Deutschland - Germany e-mail: Steffen.Kaiser@@FH-Rhein-Sieg.DE 22 May 1995 2