NAME XKEYB - Extended Keyboard driver for MS-DOS SYNOPSIS XKEYB [/Xnn] [/Q] [/U] OPTIONS Country specific configuration file, such as GR.KEY or US.KEY. A path can be included, and the .KEY extension may be omitted. /Xnn Allocate nn bytes of memory for Extension Strings (macros). /Q Suppress the output of LIST paragraphs from the configuration file. /U Remove the resident copy of XKEYB from memory (if installed). RELATED COMMANDS XKEYBRES Alternative version of XKEYB with smaller resident size (source only, in source package) KEYMAN Interactive macro recorder LISTXDEF Lists current definition file to STDOUT NOTES Please refer to the manual XKEYB.TXT for more detailed information. AUTHOR Program: Dietmar Hohmann, (up to 1.5) Maintainer: Aitor Santamarķa Merino (1.51 - 1.6), ( This documentation: Ben Berry,