/*====================================================================== Cardbus device configuration cardbus.c 1.52 1999/07/20 16:01:21 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds . Portions created by David A. Hinds are Copyright (C) 1998 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved. These routines handle allocating resources for Cardbus cards, as well as setting up and shutting down Cardbus sockets. They are called from cs.c in response to Request/ReleaseConfiguration and Request/ReleaseIO calls. ======================================================================*/ #include #define __NO_VERSION__ #include #ifdef __LINUX__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifndef PCMCIA_DEBUG #define PCMCIA_DEBUG 1 #endif static int pc_debug = PCMCIA_DEBUG; #define IN_CARD_SERVICES #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cs_internal.h" #include "rsrc_mgr.h" /*====================================================================*/ #define FIND_FIRST_BIT(n) ((n) - ((n) & ((n)-1))) #define pci_readb pcibios_read_config_byte #define pci_writeb pcibios_write_config_byte #define pci_readw pcibios_read_config_word #define pci_writew pcibios_write_config_word #define pci_readl pcibios_read_config_dword #define pci_writel pcibios_write_config_dword #define CB_BAR(n) (PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0+(4*(n))) #define CB_ROM_BASE 0x0030 /* Offsets in the Expansion ROM Image Header */ #define ROM_SIGNATURE 0x0000 /* 2 bytes */ #define ROM_DATA_PTR 0x0018 /* 2 bytes */ /* Offsets in the CardBus PC Card Data Structure */ #define PCDATA_SIGNATURE 0x0000 /* 4 bytes */ #define PCDATA_VPD_PTR 0x0008 /* 2 bytes */ #define PCDATA_LENGTH 0x000a /* 2 bytes */ #define PCDATA_REVISION 0x000c #define PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ 0x0010 /* 2 bytes */ #define PCDATA_ROM_LEVEL 0x0012 /* 2 bytes */ #define PCDATA_CODE_TYPE 0x0014 #define PCDATA_INDICATOR 0x0015 #ifdef __LINUX__ #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= VERSION(2,1,103)) #define NEW_LINUX_PCI #endif #endif typedef struct cb_config_t { u_int size[7]; #ifdef NEW_LINUX_PCI struct pci_dev dev; #else struct { unsigned int irq; unsigned long base_address[6]; unsigned long rom_address; } dev; #endif } cb_config_t; /* There are three classes of bridge maps: IO ports, non-prefetchable memory, and prefetchable memory */ typedef enum { B_IO, B_M1, B_M2 } bridge_type; /*===================================================================== Expansion ROM's have a special layout, and pointers specify an image number and an offset within that image. check_rom() verifies that the expansion ROM exists and has the standard layout. xlate_rom_addr() converts an image/offset address to an absolute offset from the ROM's base address. =====================================================================*/ static int check_rom(u_char *b, u_long len) { u_int img = 0, ofs = 0, sz; u_short data; DEBUG(0, ("ROM image dump:\n")); while ((readb(b) == 0x55) && (readb(b+1) == 0xaa)) { data = readb(b+ROM_DATA_PTR) + (readb(b+ROM_DATA_PTR+1) << 8); sz = 512 * (readb(b+data+PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ) + (readb(b+data+PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ+1) << 8)); DEBUG(0, (" image %d: 0x%06x-0x%06x, signature %c%c%c%c\n", img, ofs, ofs+sz-1, readb(b+data+PCDATA_SIGNATURE), readb(b+data+PCDATA_SIGNATURE+1), readb(b+data+PCDATA_SIGNATURE+2), readb(b+data+PCDATA_SIGNATURE+3))); ofs += sz; img++; if ((readb(b+data+PCDATA_INDICATOR) & 0x80) || (sz == 0) || (ofs >= len)) break; b += sz; } return img; } static u_int xlate_rom_addr(u_char *b, u_int addr) { u_int img = 0, ofs = 0, sz; u_short data; while ((readb(b) == 0x55) && (readb(b+1) == 0xaa)) { if (img == (addr >> 28)) return (addr & 0x0fffffff) + ofs; data = readb(b+ROM_DATA_PTR) + (readb(b+ROM_DATA_PTR+1) << 8); sz = 512 * (readb(b+data+PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ) + (readb(b+data+PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ+1) << 8)); if ((sz == 0) || (readb(b+data+PCDATA_INDICATOR) & 0x80)) break; b += sz; ofs += sz; img++; } return 0; } /*===================================================================== These are similar to setup_cis_mem and release_cis_mem for 16-bit cards. The "result" that is used externally is the cb_cis_virt pointer in the socket_info_t structure. =====================================================================*/ int cb_setup_cis_mem(socket_info_t *s, int space) { cb_bridge_map *m = &s->cb_cis_map; u_long base = 0; u_int sz, br; if (space == s->cb_cis_space) return CS_SUCCESS; else if (s->cb_cis_space != 0) cb_release_cis_mem(s); DEBUG(1, ("cs: cb_setup_cis_mem(space %d)\n", space)); /* If socket is configured, then use existing memory mapping */ if (s->lock_count) { s->cb_cis_virt = ioremap(s->cb_config[0].dev.base_address[space-1], s->cb_config[0].size[space-1] & ~3); s->cb_cis_space = space; return CS_SUCCESS; } /* Not configured? Then set up temporary map */ br = (space == 7) ? CB_ROM_BASE : CB_BAR(space-1); pci_writel(s->cap.cardbus, 0, br, 0xffffffff); pci_readl(s->cap.cardbus, 0, br, &sz); sz &= PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK; sz = FIND_FIRST_BIT(sz); if (sz < PAGE_SIZE) sz = PAGE_SIZE; if (find_mem_region(&base, sz, "cb_enabler", sz, 0) != 0) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate %dK memory for" " CardBus socket %d\n", sz/1024, s->sock); return CS_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } s->cb_cis_space = space; s->cb_cis_virt = ioremap(base, sz); DEBUG(1, (" phys 0x%08lx-0x%08lx, virt 0x%08lx\n", base, base+sz-1, (u_long)s->cb_cis_virt)); pci_writel(s->cap.cardbus, 0, br, base | 1); pci_writeb(s->cap.cardbus, 0, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY); m->map = 0; m->flags = MAP_ACTIVE; m->start = base; m->stop = base+sz-1; s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetBridge, m); if ((space == 7) && (check_rom(s->cb_cis_virt, sz) == 0)) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: no valid ROM images found!\n"); return CS_READ_FAILURE; } return CS_SUCCESS; } void cb_release_cis_mem(socket_info_t *s) { cb_bridge_map *m = &s->cb_cis_map; u_int br; if (s->cb_cis_virt) { DEBUG(1, ("cs: cb_release_cis_mem()\n")); iounmap(s->cb_cis_virt); s->cb_cis_virt = NULL; s->cb_cis_space = 0; } if (m->start) { /* This is overkill: we probably only need to release the memory region, but the rest should be safe */ br = (s->cb_cis_space == 7) ? CB_ROM_BASE : CB_BAR(s->cb_cis_space-1); m->map = 0; m->flags = 0; s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetBridge, m); pci_writeb(s->cap.cardbus, 0, PCI_COMMAND, 0); pci_writel(s->cap.cardbus, 0, br, 0); vacate_mem_region(m->start, m->stop - m->start + 1); m->start = 0; } } /*===================================================================== This is used by the CIS processing code to read CIS information from a CardBus device. =====================================================================*/ void read_cb_mem(socket_info_t *s, u_char fn, int space, u_int addr, u_int len, void *ptr) { DEBUG(3, ("cs: read_cb_mem(%d, %#x, %u)\n", space, addr, len)); if (space == 0) { for (; len; addr++, ptr++, len--) pci_readb(s->cap.cardbus, fn, addr, (u_char *)ptr); } else { if (cb_setup_cis_mem(s, space) != 0) { memset(ptr, 0xff, len); return; } if (space == 7) { addr = xlate_rom_addr(s->cb_cis_virt, addr); if (addr == 0) { memset(ptr, 0xff, len); return; } } if (s->cb_cis_virt != NULL) for (; len; addr++, ptr++, len--) *(u_char *)ptr = readb(s->cb_cis_virt+addr); } } /*===================================================================== cb_config() has the job of allocating all system resources that a Cardbus card requires. Rather than using the CIS (which seems to not always be present), it treats the card as an ordinary PCI device, and probes the base address registers to determine each function's IO and memory space needs. It is called from the RequestIO card service. ======================================================================*/ int cb_config(socket_info_t *s) { u_short vend, v, dev; u_char i, j, fn, bus = s->cap.cardbus, *name; u_int sz, align, m, mask[3], num[3], base[3]; cb_config_t *c; int irq, try, ret; pci_readw(bus, 0, PCI_VENDOR_ID, &vend); pci_readw(bus, 0, PCI_DEVICE_ID, &dev); printk(KERN_INFO "cs: cb_config(bus %d): vendor 0x%04x, " "device 0x%04x\n", bus, vend, dev); pci_readb(bus, 0, PCI_HEADER_TYPE, &fn); if (fn & 0x80) { /* Count functions */ for (fn = 0; fn < 8; fn++) { pci_readw(bus, fn, PCI_VENDOR_ID, &v); if (v != vend) break; } } else fn = 1; s->functions = fn; c = kmalloc(fn * sizeof(struct cb_config_t), GFP_KERNEL); memset(c, 0, fn * sizeof(struct cb_config_t)); s->cb_config = c; #ifdef NEW_LINUX_PCI for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) { c[i].dev.bus = s->cap.cb_bus; if (i < fn-1) { c[i].dev.sibling = c[i].dev.next = &c[i+1].dev; } c[i].dev.devfn = i; c[i].dev.vendor = vend; c[i].dev.device = dev; pci_readl(bus, i, PCI_CLASS_REVISION, &c[i].dev.class); c[i].dev.class >>= 8; pci_readb(bus, i, PCI_HEADER_TYPE, &j); c[i].dev.hdr_type = j; } s->cap.cb_bus->devices = &c[0].dev; #endif /* Determine IO and memory space needs */ num[B_IO] = num[B_M1] = num[B_M2] = 0; mask[B_IO] = mask[B_M1] = mask[B_M2] = 0; for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { pci_writel(bus, i, CB_BAR(j), 0xffffffff); pci_readl(bus, i, CB_BAR(j), &sz); if (sz == 0) continue; if (sz & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE) { m = B_IO; sz &= PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK; } else { m = (sz & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_PREFETCH) ? B_M2 : B_M1; sz &= PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK; } sz = FIND_FIRST_BIT(sz); c[i].size[j] = sz | m; if (m && (sz < PAGE_SIZE)) sz = PAGE_SIZE; num[m] += sz; mask[m] |= sz; } pci_writel(bus, i, CB_ROM_BASE, 0xffffffff); pci_readl(bus, i, CB_ROM_BASE, &sz); if (sz != 0) { sz = FIND_FIRST_BIT(sz & ~0x00000001); c[i].size[6] = sz | B_M1; if (sz < PAGE_SIZE) sz = PAGE_SIZE; num[B_M1] += sz; mask[B_M1] |= sz; } } /* Allocate system resources */ name = "cb_enabler"; s->io[0].NumPorts = num[B_IO]; s->io[0].BasePort = 0; if (num[B_IO]) { if (find_io_region(&s->io[0].BasePort, num[B_IO], name) != 0) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate %d IO ports for" " CardBus socket %d\n", num[B_IO], s->sock); goto failed; } base[B_IO] = s->io[0].BasePort + num[B_IO]; } s->win[0].size = num[B_M1]; s->win[0].base = 0; if (num[B_M1]) { if (find_mem_region(&s->win[0].base, num[B_M1], name, num[B_M1], 0) != 0) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate %dK memory for" " CardBus socket %d\n", num[B_M1]/1024, s->sock); goto failed; } base[B_M1] = s->win[0].base + num[B_M1]; } s->win[1].size = num[B_M2]; s->win[1].base = 0; if (num[B_M2]) { if (find_mem_region(&s->win[1].base, num[B_M2], name, num[B_M2], 0) != 0) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate %dK memory for" " CardBus socket %d\n", num[B_M2]/1024, s->sock); goto failed; } base[B_M2] = s->win[1].base + num[B_M2]; } /* Set up base address registers */ while (mask[B_IO] | mask[B_M1] | mask[B_M2]) { num[B_IO] = FIND_FIRST_BIT(mask[B_IO]); mask[B_IO] -= num[B_IO]; num[B_M1] = FIND_FIRST_BIT(mask[B_M1]); mask[B_M1] -= num[B_M1]; num[B_M2] = FIND_FIRST_BIT(mask[B_M2]); mask[B_M2] -= num[B_M2]; for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { sz = c[i].size[j]; m = sz & 3; sz &= ~3; align = (m && (sz < PAGE_SIZE)) ? PAGE_SIZE : sz; if (sz && (align == num[m])) { base[m] -= align; if (j < 6) printk(KERN_INFO " fn %d bar %d: ", i, j+1); else printk(KERN_INFO " fn %d rom: ", i); printk("%s 0x%x-0x%x\n", (m) ? "mem" : "io", base[m], base[m]+sz-1); c[i].dev.base_address[j] = base[m]; } } } } /* Allocate interrupt if needed */ s->irq.AssignedIRQ = irq = 0; ret = -1; for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) { pci_readb(bus, i, PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN, &j); if (j == 0) continue; if (irq == 0) { if (s->cap.irq_mask & (1 << s->cap.pci_irq)) { irq = s->cap.pci_irq; ret = 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_ISA else for (try = 0; try < 2; try++) { for (irq = 0; irq < 32; irq++) if ((s->cap.irq_mask >> irq) & 1) { ret = try_irq(IRQ_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE, irq, try); if (ret == 0) break; } if (ret == 0) break; } if (ret != 0) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate interrupt" " for CardBus socket %d\n", s->sock); goto failed; } #endif s->irq.AssignedIRQ = irq; } } c[0].dev.irq = irq; return CS_SUCCESS; failed: cb_release(s); return CS_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } /*====================================================================== cb_release() releases all the system resources (IO and memory space, and interrupt) committed for a Cardbus card by a prior call to cb_config(). It is called from the ReleaseIO() service. ======================================================================*/ void cb_release(socket_info_t *s) { cb_config_t *c = s->cb_config; DEBUG(0, ("cs: cb_release(bus %d)\n", s->cap.cardbus)); if (s->win[0].size > 0) vacate_mem_region(s->win[0].base, s->win[0].size); if (s->win[1].size > 0) vacate_mem_region(s->win[1].base, s->win[1].size); if (s->io[0].NumPorts > 0) vacate_region(s->io[0].BasePort, s->io[0].NumPorts); s->io[0].NumPorts = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_ISA if ((c[0].dev.irq != 0) && (c[0].dev.irq != s->cap.pci_irq)) undo_irq(IRQ_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE, c[0].dev.irq); #endif kfree(s->cb_config); s->cb_config = NULL; } /*===================================================================== cb_enable() has the job of configuring a socket for a Cardbus card, and initializing the card's PCI configuration registers. It first sets up the Cardbus bridge windows, for IO and memory accesses. Then, it initializes each card function's base address registers, interrupt line register, and command register. It is called as part of the RequestConfiguration card service. It should be called after a previous call to cb_config() (via the RequestIO service). ======================================================================*/ void cb_enable(socket_info_t *s) { u_char i, j, bus = s->cap.cardbus; cb_config_t *c = s->cb_config; DEBUG(0, ("cs: cb_enable(bus %d)\n", bus)); /* Configure bridge */ if (s->cb_cis_map.start) cb_release_cis_mem(s); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cb_bridge_map m; switch (i) { case B_IO: m.map = 0; m.flags = MAP_IOSPACE | MAP_ACTIVE; m.start = s->io[0].BasePort; m.stop = m.start + s->io[0].NumPorts - 1; break; case B_M1: m.map = 0; m.flags = MAP_ACTIVE; m.start = s->win[0].base; m.stop = m.start + s->win[0].size - 1; break; case B_M2: m.map = 1; m.flags = MAP_PREFETCH | MAP_ACTIVE; m.start = s->win[1].base; m.stop = m.start + s->win[1].size - 1; break; } if (m.start == 0) continue; DEBUG(0, (" bridge %s map %d (flags 0x%x): 0x%x-0x%x\n", (m.flags & MAP_IOSPACE) ? "io" : "mem", m.map, m.flags, m.start, m.stop)); s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetBridge, &m); } /* Set up base address registers */ for (i = 0; i < s->functions; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { if (c[i].dev.base_address[j] != 0) pci_writel(bus, i, CB_BAR(j), c[i].dev.base_address[j]); } if (c[i].dev.rom_address != 0) pci_writel(bus, i, CB_ROM_BASE, c[i].dev.rom_address | 1); } /* Set up PCI interrupt and command registers */ for (i = 0; i < s->functions; i++) { pci_writeb(bus, i, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_COMMAND_MASTER | PCI_COMMAND_IO | PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY); pci_writeb(bus, i, PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 8); } if (s->irq.AssignedIRQ) { for (i = 0; i < s->functions; i++) pci_writeb(bus, i, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, s->irq.AssignedIRQ); s->socket.io_irq = s->irq.AssignedIRQ; s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetSocket, &s->socket); } #ifdef NEW_LINUX_PCI /* Link into PCI device chain */ c[s->functions-1].dev.next = pci_devices; pci_devices = &c[0].dev; pci_proc_attach_device(&c[0].dev); #endif } /*====================================================================== cb_disable() unconfigures a Cardbus card previously set up by cb_enable(). It is called from the ReleaseConfiguration service. ======================================================================*/ void cb_disable(socket_info_t *s) { u_char i; cb_bridge_map m = { 0, 0, 0, 0xffff }; #ifdef NEW_LINUX_PCI struct pci_dev **p, *q; cb_config_t *c = s->cb_config; /* Unlink from PCI device chain */ pci_proc_detach_device(&c[0].dev); for (p = &pci_devices; *p; p = &((*p)->next)) if (*p == &c[0].dev) break; for (q = *p; q; q = q->next) if (q->bus != (*p)->bus) break; if (*p) *p = q; s->cap.cb_bus->devices = NULL; #endif DEBUG(0, ("cs: cb_disable(bus %d)\n", s->cap.cardbus)); /* Turn off bridge windows */ if (s->cb_cis_map.start) cb_release_cis_mem(s); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { switch (i) { case B_IO: m.map = 0; m.flags = MAP_IOSPACE; break; case B_M1: m.map = m.flags = 0; break; case B_M2: m.map = 1; m.flags = 0; break; } s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetBridge, &m); } }