cmsfarm-install-1.0-3.͹$U. \$d  E|     $ f hpz(FGHIQdefCcmsfarm-install1.03Install the required elments on a farm node.I got tired of mucking about with several different install processes. It seems to make the most sense to install the files I know that I need in the /etc/ directory and the services I want turned off into an rpm file that will just do it all for me. Made disk changes and dynamic setting of the data disks in the /etc/fstab file August 24ish, 2001. Made further changes 11/30/01 to remove the mkdir and chkconfig stuff to the Took out the fstab stuff and put it in the after.rpms script. I could probably move most of this to the script.< Kaiser Fermi CMScmsfarm-install.tgzLinuxi386cmsfarm-install.speccmsfarm-install.tgz&< < $5cc8d79fd5fa1538a8c98d7142fad957e2562f50f3dd848dc62ad9b791a8da87 1007549489a~cpiogzip9Vy@U6Gֲz*բ:v %"Kޙ5;yL+JDR!j-б-GBޙj7]?|{?ˑbX,˚ʆXl[> `vf=K1b\i &NS H! t#Pb *%h@#(ZKP'K#dLOwb.åN`A"  }˔+$.tB栄߻/|N`0&G V,f ̀ %i LFR@' /¤ cQ?]ڀ\+IP8"T7 .׊rT+zdTQ9p")O `KQ0?%L"IPXT~_G)OH!9.S6`) dHS?FY\@(Hu@@2JY_K})ZCR K0>e$Ң$AO/TTNZK6v\h lnct(@mfڲ,6/*&BT9#qH7r, QA*gȅ%8.z ZXZM2J.C=T.B'払@琮z1]YuP=$#PrA|Yg..3$8VDkѣٻY3'+Re3ޠSI&#@z-NjŸ/UEѽar>t}@zӀ~ AA큀'Eb$щ=K1!H: GLy=ǘM/VL!aZ@IPI ç̉:L `)6Ӂk1\{UZ*)4̇)aR\; 0ԏ91P0hO'O;`L$K /{&U9PFP'(aSDvilJoOZ*JP;wۭ۩"G?0*R*4:ԣvO^}߫:!>a9gO6m>}bi4j(mb MEqbgzF%U`"^ɷmy'nDR%-<7{SvwлapxndS fGfXOF5ҐsW_L^D }fר7i&<ˬCnu ʩߜcvec᱑&\w5l2y7m\jmRE]7=^z|!1GAWǎv25VDe#_[{}śSFIrW<8Ԡ&ʾKL7iXKzoҎrUvKwY"ܢ:ZvrEUly6hJA+ĢȲ lS遱嬠 %Jd=3G=0plyEɳ,yzj${AIJ[E≠nOF_f=2k U|wQ2מRmIOW&s\UkKW 'sӸܴ.T{Z¼nnU6Ԍ#eg7&s9=U"ݫ;Mo{[qG3xz1fq,QzYA}# d:\(&Y^wD3xC2D41D9o:8GS9kd{ [68 ;<6LqMMsӦl8eFDPD 9?&ń+hr&5:#vgCCniJjT'nKdLlX}Z`z4 +<Ju[C3}PrBqW\\,455?