Red Hat Linux/Intel 6.1 (Cartman) ================================= The contents of this CD-ROM are Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat, Inc. and others. Please see the individual copyright notices in each source package for distribution terms. The distribution terms of the tools copyrighted by Red Hat, Inc. are as noted in the file COPYING. Red Hat and RPM are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. ============================================================================ DIRECTORY ORGANIZATION This directory is organized as follows: /mnt/redhat |----> RedHat |----> RPMS -- binary packages |----> base -- small filesystem setup archives |----> instimage -- image used for installs |----> images -- boot and ramdisk images |----> dosutils -- installation utilities for DOS |----> doc -- various FAQs and HOWTOs |----> misc -- source code for installation process |----> COPYING -- copyright information |----> README -- this file |----> RPM-GPG-KEY -- GPG signature for packages from Red Hat If you are mirroring to a partition or an NFS volume, you'll need to get everything under RedHat, as well as the disk images from images that you need for your system. ============================================================================ INSTALLING There are three separate boot images for booting your system; you will need one of them to boot your system into the Red Hat installation and upgrade process. For CDROM and hard drive installs, use the boot.img file (most Red Hat boxed sets include this floppy already; just boot it!). NFS, ftp, and http installations requires the bootnet.img floppy, which is available in the images directory. Installs through PCMCIA adapters (such as for PCMCIA CDROM or networking cards) need the pcmcia.img floppy. If you did not receive the necessary floppy disks with this product, the images for these disks are in the images directory. Either the rawrite program in the dosutils directory or 'dd' under any Unix like system can be used to transfer the image to physical floppies. Once the diskette has been made, insert the boot disk and boot your machine. Many computers can now automatically boot from CDROMs. If you have one and it is properly configured, you can boot the Red Hat Linux CDROM directly without using any floppy disks. After booting, you'll be able to install your system from the CDROM. ============================================================================ SUPPORT For those that have web access, see In particular, access to our mailing lists can be found at: If you don't have web access you can still subscribe to the main mailing list. To subscribe, send mail to with subscribe in the subject line. You can leave the body empty. ============================================================================ RED HAT LINUX MANUAL If you did not receive documentation with this product, you can order the manual from the Red Hat, Inc. Red Hat, Inc. can be reached at: (800) 454-5502 (888) RED-HAT1 (919) 547-0012 fax: (919) 547-0024 email: FTP: WWW: Red Hat, Inc. PO Box 13588 Research Triangle Park, NC 27713