post_upgrade_misc-1.1-1Jg0 e*t*S!9#,0:@cin     (>post_upgrade_misc1.11Bringing Workstations Up to DateThis script will install the following packages not included in a Fermi Red Hat V5.0.2 upgrade. If you are installing 5.0.2 from scratch then you do not need to install these packages.5ɗKtrociousFermi Red Hat Linux V5.0.2FermilabDRYDan YocumFermi "Finished installing upgrade script onto your machine." echo "Please run the following script (as root) to complete the upgrade:" echo "" echo "/usr/tmp/post_upgrade_misc_v1.1" echo "" echo "This upgrade script will first give you an explanation" echo "of its intentions before it does anything."post_upgrade_misc.spec5(cea8e5f37a83a6717348ce4a027a1673 rootroot2.4.12/bin/shSn0_Naa7p[[7#8mNM$"I}I=i,Pfvgwd,4񱸹)zҏ#]\弇yB:ЖVZ]ZEV#xG~MC)φ?SgJZjp V! f*yDc=64JI|QdxU VfT3Ep7,cTJ*JbVۻXpپdŭ3|ߺ@Dž Nl${Pf'= ֊JxRmȬ@ !y\wWW#Ju } R9a-|}.rz!0&XpR-PcꐯGF58u%-TWF"g%YZĮ+Sv`,d[.;g-ca|ߙ T3h;P"3_;.vX?`?l ٪ܡK|q~[*O7\'|7o]~|y?7_to