autorpm-security-config-1.0-2 [@eZ*pd  LTXhl      9 <@EJptx(89:FGG`HdIhQlCautorpm-security-config1.02RPM Auto-Installer config file for FermilabAutoRPM is a program that can do any combination of the following: mirror RPMs from an FTP site, keep installed RPMs consistent with an FTP site or local directory, and keep installed RPMs in a cluster or network of systems consis- tent. It is highly flexible and even contains a very nice, menu-driven Interactive-Install mode. This is the Fermi specific configuration file that will upgrade installed packages for security reasons. Updates are at Fermi Red Hat Linux 5.0.2FermilabGPLDan Yocum, Fermilab Utilities/System Ɂ7ine3edb9949a513ee5a52d32d19aab3262rootrootautorpm-security-config-1.0-2.src.rpm autorpmperlrpmdialogmailxperl-libnet2.5.57i}6nDan Yocum Dan Yocum - changed all references of "current" to "502"- initial 929656508VmoF3b"%W%~=UzW6R/-Vػz͋o﬽@=%Ulvgyz] Ci\Wށ᷺^G {vee*KPVkxp2;\s=hZ]r5 N:{Lc%l ߱5S!:R#ˉYy^p2z+# =QE oq 8c9ہYMa/܄bx"Wn$|,KV! r"Y)%7TZEOrb&~G go{ybnވƊEH) d,1Tq4 8 ,\ 8tVܕ}1eVɲ$^L<9cr&4Fgf=bMߦDRU2a2.y6AWI Za5VAingEd{(̻=An1~7$N "* ʉSd ۵ WN}o0@hTH(|6E1Op+a6nmh ]0KC%2]g[("6l_ؓO-iO7F_'7rť,t، .o8{8`(o-Ef<4y؆^/6AtDbfH3ߪ1vaZ0M: "6-wZp 8nj5Φ_f+|&N7':2@/WVyW?0<::kl