12-29-99 KDE/GNOME default Only the following workgroups will install KDE/Gnome by default. If you want your workgroup to install KDE/GNOME by default please send me email. KDE GNOME --- ----- ODS ODS OSS OSS FOCUS So for most of the others I removed KDE. UPS/UPD Had to change /Fermi/workgroups/*/after.rpms.nochroot.sh "/mnt/etc/workgroup" --> "$CHROOT/etc/workgroup" As a reminder the install area is nfs mounted at Host name --> linux NFS mount --> /export/linux/6Xtest/i386 The Full CHANGELOG is in /Fermi.CHANGELOG. These releasenotes are a summary of the CHANGELOG. The older releasenotes are in /releasenotes . Please go forth and test. Thanks -connie