Config.sys Ü
FreeDOS reads CONFIG.SYS at startup time to load device drivers and
set up your DOS environment. When FreeDOS starts, it carries out the
commands in the CONFIG.SYS file.
Special Characters in the CONFIG.SYS file
The CONFIG.SYS file can also contain the following special characters:
; Specifies that the current line is a descriptive comment and should
not be carried out. Insert this character at the beginning of the
line. You can also insert a comment by using the REM command.
? Specifies that FreeDOS is to ask for confirmation before carrying
out the current command. Insert this character immediately after
the command you want to prompt for, without any intervening spaces,
but fore the equal sign. For example, to have FreeDOS ask for
confirmation before carrying out the DOS=HIGH command, you would
change the command to read DOS?=HIGH. To have FreeDOS ask for
confirmation before carrying out the DEVICEHIGH /L:1,7280=MYFILE.SYS
command, you would change the command to read as follows:
Bypassing CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT commands
If you are having system problems that you suspect are caused by one or
more commands in your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you might want to
bypass some or all of the commands in these files.
To bypass all the commands in your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files,
press the F5 key immediately after starting your computer, when you
see the text "Starting FreeDOS...".
To bypass individual CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT commands, press the
F8 key instead. FreeDOS will then prompt you to carry out or bypass
each command. To carry out all remaining startup commands, press
ESC. To bypass all remaining startup commands, press F5.