Copy Ü

 Copies a file or files to another location.

 This command can be used to combine files.  When more than one file is
 copied, FreeDOS displays each filename as the file is copied.

 Syntax: COPY [/a|/b] source [/a|/b] [+ source [/a|/b] [+ ..]
              [destination [/a|/b]] [/v]
       The file(s) that are to be copied
       Where the files are going to be copied to.

   /a  Indicates an ASCII text file.  An /a preceding filenames on the
       command line applies to all files that follow it, until copy
       encounters a /b, which applies to the file preceding it.  An /a
       following a filename applies to the file preceding it and to all
       files that follow it, until copy encounters /b, which applies to
       the file preceding it.

   /b  Indicates a binary file.  A /b preceding filenames on the command
       line applies to all files that follow it, until copy encounters
       an /a switch, which applies to the file preceding it.  A /b
       following a filename applies to the file preceding it and to all
       files that follow it, until copy encounters an /a, which applies
       to the file preceding it.

   /v  Verifies the new files are written correctly.

 Copying to and from devices
 You can substitute a device name for one or more occurences of source
 or for destination.

 Using or omitting the /b switch when copying to a device
 When destination is a device (e.g. COM1 or LPT1), /b causes FreeDOS
 to copy data to the device in binary mode, in which all characters
 (including such special characters as Ctrl+C, Ctrl+S, and Ctrl+Z) are
 copied to the device as data.  Omission of the /b switch causes
 FreeDOS to copy data to the device in ASCII mode, in which such
 special characters may cause FreeDOS to take special action during
 the copying process.

 Using the /v switch
 Although recording errors rarely occur with the copy command, the /v
 switch lets you verify that critical data has been correctly recorded.
 The /v switch also slows down the copy command, because FreeDOS must
 check each sector recorded on the disk.

 Combining files with the copy command
 If you specify more than one source, separating entries with a plus sign
 (+), copy combines the files, creating a single file.  If you use
 wildcards all files matching the filename in destination, copy combines
 all files matching the filename in source and creates a single file
 with the filename specified in destination.  In either case, copy
 assumes the combined files are ASCII files unless you specify the /b

 If the name of the destination file is the same as the name of one of
 the files being copied (except the first file), the original contents
 of the destination file are lost, and copy displays the following
 error message:

    Content of destination lost before copy

 Copying files in subdirectories
 To copy all of a directory's files and subdirectories, use the XCopy

 Copying zero-length files
 Copy does not copy files that are 0 bytes long.  Use XCopy to
 copy these files.

 Changing the time and date of a file
 If you want to assign the current time and date to a file without
 modifying the file, use a command in the following format.  The commas
 indicate the omission of the destination parameter:

    copy /b source+,,

 CAUTION:  If you combine binary files, the resulting file may not be
           usable due to internal formatting.

 See Also: