Dir Ü ßßßß Displays the files in the current directory. Syntax: DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/P] [/W] [/A[[:]attributes]] [/O[[:]sortorder]] [/S] [/L] [/B] [drive:][path] Specifies the drive and directory for which you want to see a listing. [filename] Specifies a particular file or group of files for which you want to see a listing. /P Displays one screen of the listing at a time. To see the next screen, press any key. /W Displays the listing in wide format. /A[[:]attributes] Displays only the names of directories and files with the attributes specified. Without this switch, dir displays the names of all files except hidden and system files. The colon (:) is optional. Use any combination of these values, and do not separate the values with spaces: h Hidden files -h Files that are not hidden s System files -s Files that are not system files d Directories -d Files only (no directories) a Archive files -a Files that have not changed since the last backup r Read-only files -r Files that are not read-only. /O[[:]sortorder] Controls the order in which dir sorts and displays directory names and filenames. Without this switch, dir displays the names in the order they occur in the directory. The colon (:) is optional. The following list describes each of the values you can use for sortorder. Use any combination of the values, and do not separate these values with spaces. n In alphabetical order by name -n In reverse alphabetical order by name (Z through A) e In alphabetical order by extension -e In reverse alphabetical order by extension (Z through A) d By date and time, earliest first -d By date and time, latest first s By size, smallest first -s By size, largest first g With directories grouped before files -g With directories grouped after files /S Lists every occurence, in the specified directory and all subdirectories, of the specified filename. /L Displays the results in lowercase. /B Displays the results with no heading information and no summary. Using wildcards with dir You can use wildcards (? and *) to display a listing of a subset of files and subdirectories. Setting date and time formats The date and time formats used by dir depend on the country setting used in CONFIG.SYS. Without the country command, United States formats are used. Using redirection symbols and pipes When you use a redirection symbol (>) to send dir output to a file or a pipe (|) to send dir output to another command, use the /a:-d and /B switches to list only the filenames. You can use the filename parameter with the /B and /S switches to specify that dir is to search the current directory and its subdirectories for all filenames that match filename. Example: To display a list of all the filenames with the .C extension in all directories on drive C, type the following command: dir c:\*.txt /w/o/s/p Dir displays in wide format, an alphabetized list of the matching filenames in each directory and pauses each time the screen fills, until you press a key to continue. See Also: Tree