Print Ü ßßßßßß Prints a file while you are using other FreeDOS commands. This command can print in the background if you have an output device connected to one of your system's serial or parallel ports. Syntax: PRINT [/D:device] [/B:size] [/U:ticks] [/M:ticks2] [/S:ticks3] [/Q:qsize] [/T] [[drive:][path]filename[...]] [/C] [/P] [drive:][path]filename The location and name of the file you want to print. /D:device Specifies the name of the print device. Valid values for parallel ports are lpt1, lpt2, and lpt3. Valid values for serial ports are com1, com2, com3, and com4. The default value is prn. The values prn and lpt1 refer to the same parallel port. The /D switch must precede any filename used on the command line. /B:size Sets the size (in bytes) of the internal buffer used to store data before it is sent to the printer. The minimum and default value is 512; the maximum is 16384. Increasing this value decreases the amount of available memory, but may speed up print. /U:ticks Specifies the maximum number of clock ticks print is to wait for a printer to be available (clock ticks occur approximately 18 times per second) before the job does not print. Valid values for ticks must be 1 through 255. The defautlt value is 1. /M:ticks2 Specifies the maximum number of clock ticks print can take to print a character before FreeDOS displays an error message. Values must be 1 through 255. Default is 2. /S:ticks3 Specifies the number of clock ticks the FreeDOS scheduler allocates for background printing. Values for ticks3 must be 1 through 255. The default value is 8. /Q:qsize Specifies the maximum number of files allowed in the print queue. Values for qsize must be 4 through 32. Default value is 10. /T Removes all files from the print queue. /C Removes files from the queue. You can use /C and /P on the same command line. When /C precedes the list of filenames on the command line, it applies to all files that follow it, until print encounters a /P switch, in which case the /P switch applies to the file whose name precedes it. When /C follows a filename, it applies to that file and to all files whose names follow it, until print encounters a /P switch, in which case the /P switch applies to the file whose name precedes it. /P Adds files to the print queue. You can use /C and /P on the same command line. When /P precedes the list of filenames on the command line, it applies to all files whose names follow it, until print encounters /C, in which case the /C applies to the file whose name precedes it and all files whose names follow it, until print encounters /C, in which case /C applies to the file whose name precedes it. Length of a print queue entry Each print queue entry can contain a maximum of 64 characters. Limitations You can only use the /D, /B, /U, /M, /S, and /Q switches the first time you use print after starting FreeDOS. To use one of these switches after using print, restart FreeDOS. Example: C:\>print readme.txt See Also: Mode