Prompt Ü ßßßßßßß Changes the command prompt. You can customize the command prompt to display any text you want, including such information as the name of the current directory, the time and date, and the FreeDOS version number. Syntax: PROMPT [text] text Specifies any text and information you want included in your system prompt. The following list shows the character combinations you can include instead of, or in addition to, any character string(s) in the text parameter. THESE MUST BE LOWERCASE! $q = Equal sign $$ $ Dollar sign $t Current time $d Current date $p Current drive and path $v FreeDOS version number $n Current drive $g > (greater-than sign) $l < (less-than sign) $b | (pipe) $_ ENTER-Linefeed $e ASCII escape code $h Backspace Example: C:\>prompt Yes Master: Yes Master: prompt $p$g C:\>_