Time Ü ßßßßß Displays the time and prompts you to enter a new one. Syntax: TIME [hours:[minutes:[seconds.[hundredths]]] [a|p]] hours Specifies the hour. Valid values are 0 through 23. minutes Specifies the minutes. Valid values are 0 through 59. seconds Specifies the seconds. Valid values are 0 through 59. hundredths Specifies hundredths of a second. Valid values are 0 through 99. a|p Specifies A.M. or P.M. for the 12-hour time format. If you type a valid 12-hour time but do not type a or p, time uses a (for A.M.). To replace the time without being prompted, enter the new time after the text on the command line. Specifying an invalid time format If you specify an invalid time format, FreeDOS displays an error message and prompt, and then waits for you to specify the time. Changing the time format You can change the time format by changing the country setting in your CONFIG.SYS file. Example: C:\>time Current system time is: 1:00:17a Enter new time: _ or C:\>time 5:27:07 C:\> See Also: Date