XKeyb Ü

 Extended keyboard driver for FreeDOS.
 XKeyb contains the keyboard driver and several other keyboard utilities.

    XKEYB    Keyboard driver, configure a keyboard for a layout other than
             standard US layout (codepage 437)
             Program keys to produce strings to STDOut
             Enable the XKEYB-API, with which you can associate routines
             to key events
    SCANKBD  Scan a keyboard layout into a configuration file
    KEYMAN   Keyboard macro recorder
    LISTXDEF Lists the keyboard layout plus the macro definitions


   XKEYB  [/Xnn] [/Q] [/U]


   <Configuration File> Layout and codepage specific file, such as GR.KEY
                        or SP.KEY.  A path may be included, and the extension
                        may be omitted.  .KEY files are searched in current
                        directory, XKEYB program directory and %PATH%
                        environment string.
   /Xnn                 Allocate nn bytes of memory for Extension Strings
   /Q                   Suppress the output of LIST paragraphs from
                        the configuration file.
   /U                   Remove the resident copy of XKEYB from memory
                        (if installed).

 You can program FreeDOS so that keyboard is configured at boot time by
 means of AUTOEXEC.BAT. Append the command line into your AUTOEXEC.BAT to
 do this.

 Codepage support has not been added yet. However, the following table
 lists the different layouts supported:

Country or Keyboard Layout file name CodePage
Belgium be 850 (?) Brazil br850 850 Canadian-French cf ? Denmark dk ? Dvorak dvorak ? France fr 850 (?) Germany gr 850 (?) Greece gr2 ? Italy it 850 (?) Latin America la 850 Netherlands nl 850 (?) Norway no ? United States pc850 850 United States pc860 860 Portugal po 860 (?) Spain sp 850 Switzerland (French) sf ? Switzerland (German) sg ? Finland su ? Sweden sv ? United Kingdom uk ? United States us 437
Example: To use a German keyboard when your KEYBOARD.SYS file is in the DOS directory on drive C, type the following command: xkeyb gr SCANKBD and LISTXDEF: Syntax: SCANKBD LISTXDEF SCANKBD scans current keyboard layout (XKEYB or other keyboard driver) to the configuration file, generating a .KEY compatible file LISTXDEF lists the XKEYB layout and all the macro definitions to console Most probably you would like to do LISTXDEF > MYFILE.KEY to save all your macro definitions. KEYMAN: KEYMAN is an interactive macro recorder for use with XKEYB. XKEYB must be resident in memory before KEYMAN can be installed. Once installed, press F11 to pop up the KEYMAN window. Enter a macro by pressing the key to assign the macro to (eg. CTRL-D), then the keystrokes to be assigned to the macro, then F11 again to save the macro. You can delete macro keystrokes using the BACKSPACE key. To enter a BACKSPACE keystroke in the macro, use ALT-. To change the Hotkey (F11 by default), pop up the KEYMAN window, press the hotkey again, then press the new hotkey. LISTXDEF.EXE can be used to save the recorded macros as a configuration file. More information and Contact: Please, refer to XKEYB.TXT for further information. If you want to contact XKEYB developmers and submit bugs, feedback or help, please contact Aitor Santamaria_Merino at aitor.sm@wanadoo.es Copyright: XKEYB is distributed under the GNU-GPL 2.0 license or later. XKEYB is copyright by Dietmar Hohmann and Aitor Santamaria_Merino XKEYB documentation was started by Ben Berry, and maintained by Aitor Santamaria_Merino See Also: Chcp