/* * midifile 1.11 * * Read and write a MIDI file. Externally-assigned function pointers are * called upon recognizing things in the file. * * Original release ? * June 1989 - Added writing capability, M. Czeiszperger. * * The file format implemented here is called * Standard MIDI Files, and is part of the Musical * instrument Digital Interface specification. * The spec is avaiable from: * * International MIDI Association * 5316 West 57th Street * Los Angeles, CA 90056 * * An in-depth description of the spec can also be found * in the article "Introducing Standard MIDI Files", published * in Electronic Musician magazine, April, 1989. * * modified 11/6/96 by James Allwright * all unsigned longs changed to long * mf_sec2ticks modified to work using PCC compiler * mf_write_midi_event, size changed from long to int * mf_write_meta_event, size changed from long to int, * type changed from char to int. * mf_write_track_chunk changed to expect MF_writetrack * to return number of divisions till end of track */ #include "midifile.h" #define NULLFUNC 0 #define NULL 0 #define THINK #ifdef THINK /* #include */ #endif #include char *strcpy(), *strcat(); /* void exit(), free(); */ /* Line commmented out JRA 19/12/95 */ /* public stuff */ /* Functions to be called while processing the MIDI file. */ int (*Mf_getc)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_error)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_header)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_trackstart)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_trackend)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_noteon)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_noteoff)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_pressure)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_parameter)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_pitchbend)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_program)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_chanpressure)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_sysex)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_arbitrary)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_metamisc)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_seqnum)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_eot)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_smpte)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_tempo)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_timesig)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_keysig)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_seqspecific)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_text)() = NULLFUNC; /* Functions to implement in order to write a MIDI file */ int (*Mf_putc)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_writetrack)() = NULLFUNC; int (*Mf_writetempotrack)() = NULLFUNC; int Mf_nomerge = 0; /* 1 => continue'ed system exclusives are */ /* not collapsed. */ long Mf_currtime = 0L; /* current time in delta-time units */ /* private stuff */ static long Mf_toberead = 0L; static long Mf_numbyteswritten = 0L; static long readvarinum(); static long read32bit(); static long to32bit(); static int read16bit(); static int to16bit(); static char *msg(); void mfread() /* The only non-static function in this file. */ { if ( Mf_getc == NULLFUNC ) mferror("mfread() called without setting Mf_getc"); readheader(); while ( readtrack() ) ; } /* for backward compatibility with the original lib */ midifile() { mfread(); } static readmt(s) /* read through the "MThd" or "MTrk" header string */ char *s; { int n = 0; char *p = s; int c; while ( n++<4 && (c=(*Mf_getc)()) != EOF ) { if ( c != *p++ ) { char buff[32]; (void) strcpy(buff,"expecting "); (void) strcat(buff,s); mferror(buff); } } return(c); } static egetc() /* read a single character and abort on EOF */ { int c = (*Mf_getc)(); if ( c == EOF ) mferror("premature EOF"); Mf_toberead--; return(c); } static readheader() /* read a header chunk */ { int format, ntrks, division; if ( readmt("MThd") == EOF ) return; Mf_toberead = read32bit(); format = read16bit(); ntrks = read16bit(); division = read16bit(); if ( Mf_header ) (*Mf_header)(format,ntrks,division); /* flush any extra stuff, in case the length of header is not 6 */ while ( Mf_toberead > 0 ) (void) egetc(); } static readtrack() /* read a track chunk */ { /* This array is indexed by the high half of a status byte. It's */ /* value is either the number of bytes needed (1 or 2) for a channel */ /* message, or 0 (meaning it's not a channel message). */ static int chantype[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x00 through 0x70 */ 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0 /* 0x80 through 0xf0 */ }; long lookfor; int c, c1, type; int sysexcontinue = 0; /* 1 if last message was an unfinished sysex */ int running = 0; /* 1 when running status used */ int status = 0; /* status value (e.g. 0x90==note-on) */ int needed; if ( readmt("MTrk") == EOF ) return(0); Mf_toberead = read32bit(); Mf_currtime = 0; if ( Mf_trackstart ) (*Mf_trackstart)(); while ( Mf_toberead > 0 ) { Mf_currtime += readvarinum(); /* delta time */ c = egetc(); if ( sysexcontinue && c != 0xf7 ) mferror("didn't find expected continuation of a sysex"); if ( (c & 0x80) == 0 ) { /* running status? */ if ( status == 0 ) mferror("unexpected running status"); running = 1; } else { status = c; running = 0; } needed = chantype[ (status>>4) & 0xf ]; if ( needed ) { /* ie. is it a channel message? */ if ( running ) c1 = c; else c1 = egetc(); chanmessage( status, c1, (needed>1) ? egetc() : 0 ); continue;; } switch ( c ) { case 0xff: /* meta event */ type = egetc(); lookfor = Mf_toberead - readvarinum(); msginit(); while ( Mf_toberead > lookfor ) msgadd(egetc()); metaevent(type); break; case 0xf0: /* start of system exclusive */ lookfor = Mf_toberead - readvarinum(); msginit(); msgadd(0xf0); while ( Mf_toberead > lookfor ) msgadd(c=egetc()); if ( c==0xf7 || Mf_nomerge==0 ) sysex(); else sysexcontinue = 1; /* merge into next msg */ break; case 0xf7: /* sysex continuation or arbitrary stuff */ lookfor = Mf_toberead - readvarinum(); if ( ! sysexcontinue ) msginit(); while ( Mf_toberead > lookfor ) msgadd(c=egetc()); if ( ! sysexcontinue ) { if ( Mf_arbitrary ) (*Mf_arbitrary)(msgleng(),msg()); } else if ( c == 0xf7 ) { sysex(); sysexcontinue = 0; } break; default: badbyte(c); break; } } if ( Mf_trackend ) (*Mf_trackend)(); return(1); } static badbyte(c) int c; { char buff[32]; (void) sprintf(buff,"unexpected byte: 0x%02x",c); mferror(buff); } static metaevent(type) { int leng = msgleng(); char *m = msg(); switch ( type ) { case 0x00: if ( Mf_seqnum ) (*Mf_seqnum)(to16bit(m[0],m[1])); break; case 0x01: /* Text event */ case 0x02: /* Copyright notice */ case 0x03: /* Sequence/Track name */ case 0x04: /* Instrument name */ case 0x05: /* Lyric */ case 0x06: /* Marker */ case 0x07: /* Cue point */ case 0x08: case 0x09: case 0x0a: case 0x0b: case 0x0c: case 0x0d: case 0x0e: case 0x0f: /* These are all text events */ if ( Mf_text ) (*Mf_text)(type,leng,m); break; case 0x2f: /* End of Track */ if ( Mf_eot ) (*Mf_eot)(); break; case 0x51: /* Set tempo */ if ( Mf_tempo ) (*Mf_tempo)(to32bit(0,m[0],m[1],m[2])); break; case 0x54: if ( Mf_smpte ) (*Mf_smpte)(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3],m[4]); break; case 0x58: if ( Mf_timesig ) (*Mf_timesig)(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3]); break; case 0x59: if ( Mf_keysig ) (*Mf_keysig)(m[0],m[1]); break; case 0x7f: if ( Mf_seqspecific ) (*Mf_seqspecific)(leng,m); break; default: if ( Mf_metamisc ) (*Mf_metamisc)(type,leng,m); } } static sysex() { if ( Mf_sysex ) (*Mf_sysex)(msgleng(),msg()); } static chanmessage(status,c1,c2) int status; int c1, c2; { int chan = status & 0xf; switch ( status & 0xf0 ) { case 0x80: if ( Mf_noteoff ) (*Mf_noteoff)(chan,c1,c2); break; case 0x90: if ( Mf_noteon ) (*Mf_noteon)(chan,c1,c2); break; case 0xa0: if ( Mf_pressure ) (*Mf_pressure)(chan,c1,c2); break; case 0xb0: if ( Mf_parameter ) (*Mf_parameter)(chan,c1,c2); break; case 0xe0: if ( Mf_pitchbend ) (*Mf_pitchbend)(chan,c1,c2); break; case 0xc0: if ( Mf_program ) (*Mf_program)(chan,c1); break; case 0xd0: if ( Mf_chanpressure ) (*Mf_chanpressure)(chan,c1); break; } } /* readvarinum - read a varying-length number, and return the */ /* number of characters it took. */ static long readvarinum() { long value; int c; c = egetc(); value = c; if ( c & 0x80 ) { value &= 0x7f; do { c = egetc(); value = (value << 7) + (c & 0x7f); } while (c & 0x80); } return (value); } static long to32bit(c1,c2,c3,c4) { long value = 0L; value = (c1 & 0xff); value = (value<<8) + (c2 & 0xff); value = (value<<8) + (c3 & 0xff); value = (value<<8) + (c4 & 0xff); return (value); } static to16bit(c1,c2) int c1, c2; { return ((c1 & 0xff ) << 8) + (c2 & 0xff); } static long read32bit() { int c1, c2, c3, c4; c1 = egetc(); c2 = egetc(); c3 = egetc(); c4 = egetc(); return to32bit(c1,c2,c3,c4); } static read16bit() { int c1, c2; c1 = egetc(); c2 = egetc(); return to16bit(c1,c2); } /* static */ mferror(s) char *s; { if ( Mf_error ) (*Mf_error)(s); exit(1); } /* The code below allows collection of a system exclusive message of */ /* arbitrary length. The Msgbuff is expanded as necessary. The only */ /* visible data/routines are msginit(), msgadd(), msg(), msgleng(). */ #define MSGINCREMENT 128 static char *Msgbuff = NULL; /* message buffer */ static int Msgsize = 0; /* Size of currently allocated Msg */ static int Msgindex = 0; /* index of next available location in Msg */ static msginit() { Msgindex = 0; } static char * msg() { return(Msgbuff); } static msgleng() { return(Msgindex); } static msgadd(c) int c; { /* If necessary, allocate larger message buffer. */ if ( Msgindex >= Msgsize ) biggermsg(); Msgbuff[Msgindex++] = c; } static biggermsg() { /* char *malloc(); */ char *newmess; char *oldmess = Msgbuff; int oldleng = Msgsize; Msgsize += MSGINCREMENT; newmess = (char *) malloc( (unsigned)(sizeof(char)*Msgsize) ); if(newmess == NULL) mferror("malloc error!"); /* copy old message into larger new one */ if ( oldmess != NULL ) { register char *p = newmess; register char *q = oldmess; register char *endq = &oldmess[oldleng]; for ( ; q!=endq ; p++,q++ ) *p = *q; free(oldmess); } Msgbuff = newmess; } /* * mfwrite() - The only fuction you'll need to call to write out * a midi file. * * format 0 - Single multi-channel track * 1 - Multiple simultaneous tracks * 2 - One or more sequentially independent * single track patterns * ntracks The number of tracks in the file. * division This is kind of tricky, it can represent two * things, depending on whether it is positive or negative * (bit 15 set or not). If bit 15 of division is zero, * bits 14 through 0 represent the number of delta-time * "ticks" which make up a quarter note. If bit 15 of * division is a one, delta-times in a file correspond to * subdivisions of a second similiar to SMPTE and MIDI * time code. In this format bits 14 through 8 contain * one of four values - 24, -25, -29, or -30, * corresponding to the four standard SMPTE and MIDI * time code frame per second formats, where -29 * represents 30 drop frame. The second byte * consisting of bits 7 through 0 corresponds the the * resolution within a frame. Refer the Standard MIDI * Files 1.0 spec for more details. * fp This should be the open file pointer to the file you * want to write. It will have be a global in order * to work with Mf_putc. */ void mfwrite(format,ntracks,division,fp) int format,ntracks,division; FILE *fp; { int i; void mf_write_track_chunk(), mf_write_header_chunk(); if ( Mf_putc == NULLFUNC ) mferror("mfmf_write() called without setting Mf_putc"); if ( Mf_writetrack == NULLFUNC ) mferror("mfmf_write() called without setting Mf_mf_writetrack"); /* every MIDI file starts with a header */ mf_write_header_chunk(format,ntracks,division); /* In format 1 files, the first track is a tempo map */ if(format == 1 && ( Mf_writetempotrack )) { (*Mf_writetempotrack)(); } /* The rest of the file is a series of tracks */ for(i = 0; i < ntracks; i++) mf_write_track_chunk(i,fp); } void mf_write_track_chunk(which_track,fp) int which_track; FILE *fp; { long trkhdr,trklength; long offset, place_marker; void write16bit(),write32bit(); void WriteVarLen(); long endspace; trkhdr = MTrk; trklength = 0; /* Remember where the length was written, because we don't know how long it will be until we've finished writing */ offset = lseek(fp, (long) 0, 1); printf("offset = %d\n", offset); #ifdef DEBUG printf("offset = %d\n",(int) offset); #endif /* Write the track chunk header */ /* write32bit(trkhdr); write32bit(trklength); */ Mf_numbyteswritten = 0L; /* the header's length doesn't count */ setbuffering(1); if( Mf_writetrack ) { (*Mf_writetrack)(which_track); } /* mf_write End of track meta event */ eputc(0); eputc(meta_event); eputc(end_of_track); eputc(0); trklength = Mf_numbyteswritten; setbuffering(0); /* Re-mf_write the track chunk header with right length */ write32bit(trkhdr); write32bit(trklength); flushbuffer(); /* It's impossible to know how long the track chunk will be beforehand, so the position of the track length data is kept so that it can be written after the chunk has been generated */ /* place_marker = lseek(fp, (long) 0, 1); printf("place_marker = %d\n", place_marker); */ /* This method turned out not to be portable because the parameter returned from ftell is not guaranteed to be in bytes on every machine */ /* track.length = place_marker - offset - (long) sizeof(track); */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("length = %d\n",(int) trklength); #endif } /* End gen_track_chunk() */ void mf_write_header_chunk(format,ntracks,division) int format,ntracks,division; { long ident,length; void write16bit(),write32bit(); ident = MThd; /* Head chunk identifier */ length = 6; /* Chunk length */ /* individual bytes of the header must be written separately to preserve byte order across cpu types :-( */ write32bit(ident); write32bit(length); write16bit(format); write16bit(ntracks); write16bit(division); } /* end gen_header_chunk() */ /* * mf_write_midi_event() * * Library routine to mf_write a single MIDI track event in the standard MIDI * file format. The format is: * * * * In this case, event can be any multi-byte midi message, such as * "note on", "note off", etc. * * delta_time - the time in ticks since the last event. * type - the type of meta event. * chan - The midi channel. * data - A pointer to a block of chars containing the META EVENT, * data. * size - The length of the meta-event data. */ int mf_write_midi_event(delta_time, type, chan, data, size) long delta_time; int chan,type; int size; char *data; { int i; void WriteVarLen(); char c; WriteVarLen(delta_time); /* all MIDI events start with the type in the first four bits, and the channel in the lower four bits */ c = (char) (type | chan); if(chan > 15) mferror("error: MIDI channel greater than 16\n"); eputc(c); /* write out the data bytes */ for(i = 0; i < size; i++) eputc(data[i]); return(size); } /* end mf_write MIDI event */ /* * mf_write_meta_event() * * Library routine to mf_write a single meta event in the standard MIDI * file format. The format of a meta event is: * * * * delta_time - the time in ticks since the last event. * type - the type of meta event. * data - A pointer to a block of chars containing the META EVENT, * data. * size - The length of the meta-event data. */ int mf_write_meta_event(delta_time, type, data, size) long delta_time; char *data; int type; int size; { int i; WriteVarLen(delta_time); /* This marks the fact we're writing a meta-event */ eputc(meta_event); /* The type of meta event */ eputc(type); /* The length of the data bytes to follow */ WriteVarLen((long)size); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { if(eputc((data[i] & 0xff)) != (data[i] & 0xff)) return(-1); } return(size); } /* end mf_write_meta_event */ void mf_write_tempo(tempo) long tempo; { /* Write tempo */ /* all tempos are written as 120 beats/minute, */ /* expressed in microseconds/quarter note */ eputc(0); eputc(meta_event); eputc(set_tempo); eputc(3); eputc((char)(0xff & (tempo >> 16))); eputc((char)(0xff & (tempo >> 8))); eputc((char)(0xff & tempo)); } long mf_sec2ticks(secs,division,tempo) int division; long tempo; float secs; { return (long)(((secs * 1000.0) / 4.0 * division) / tempo); } /* * Write multi-length bytes to MIDI format files */ void WriteVarLen(value) long value; { long buffer; buffer = value & 0x7f; while((value >>= 7) > 0) { buffer <<= 8; buffer |= 0x80; buffer += (value & 0x7f); } while(1){ eputc((char)(buffer & 0xff)); if(buffer & 0x80) buffer >>= 8; else return; } }/* end of WriteVarLen */ /* * This routine converts delta times in ticks into seconds. The * else statement is needed because the formula is different for tracks * based on notes and tracks based on SMPTE times. * */ float mf_ticks2sec(ticks,division,tempo) int division; long tempo; long ticks; { float ret; float smpte_format, smpte_resolution; if(division > 0) ret = ((float) (((float)(ticks) * (float)(tempo)) / ((float)(division) * 1000000.0))); else { smpte_format = upperbyte(division); smpte_resolution = lowerbyte(division); ret = (float) ((float) ticks / (smpte_format * smpte_resolution * 1000000.0)); } return (ret); } /* end of ticks2sec() */ /* * write32bit() * write16bit() * * These routines are used to make sure that the byte order of * the various data types remains constant between machines. This * helps make sure that the code will be portable from one system * to the next. It is slightly dangerous that it assumes that longs * have at least 32 bits and ints have at least 16 bits, but this * has been true at least on PCs, UNIX machines, and Macintosh's. * */ void write32bit(data) long data; { eputc((char)((data >> 24) & 0xff)); eputc((char)((data >> 16) & 0xff)); eputc((char)((data >> 8 ) & 0xff)); eputc((char)(data & 0xff)); } void write16bit(data) int data; { eputc((char)((data & 0xff00) >> 8)); eputc((char)(data & 0xff)); } /* write a single character and abort on error */ int eputc(c) char c; { int return_val; if((Mf_putc) == NULLFUNC) { mferror("Mf_putc undefined"); return(-1); } return_val = (Mf_putc)(c); if ( return_val == EOF ) mferror("error writing"); Mf_numbyteswritten++; return(return_val); }