@ECHO OFF ECHO Checking for available End User programs (not included with FreeDOS). REM We expect the %cdrom% environment variable to already be set if NOT [%cdrom%]==[] goto SETUP ECHO CD-ROM drive unknown, please set cdrom to your drive letter and rerun! ECHO Not checking for End User programs. goto END :SETUP REM The following env variables are set to true if the specified End User program is found REM oemcmd=true Some OEM specific command is available in \oem REM pqbackup=true Power Quest's DriveImage is available in \pqdi REM pqpart=true Power Quest's Partition Magic is available in \pqmagic REM ADD OTHERS HERE! REM Actual checks if exist %cdrom%\OEM\oemcmd.bat set oemcmd=true if exist %cdrom%\PQDI\pqdi.bat set pqbackup=true if exist %cdrom%\PQMAGIC\PQMAGIC.BAT set pqpart=true REM let user know if we found any if [%oemcmd%] == [true] ECHO Found OEM tools if [%pqbackup%] == [true] ECHO Found PQ DriveImage if [%pqpart%] == [true] ECHO Found PQ Partition Magic :END