Letter D

dracut-fips-aesni - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check with aesni-intel

Website: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/dracut/wiki
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Scientific Linux
This package requires everything which is needed to build an
all purpose initramfs with dracut, which does an integrity check
and adds the aesni-intel kernel module.


dracut-fips-aesni-004-256.el6.noarch [25 KiB] Changelog by Harald Hoyer (2011-11-04):
- increase timeout to wait for dhcp connections
Resolves: rhbz#742920
- check /tmp/net.$netif.override before sourcing it
Resolves: rhbz#696980

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6