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system environment/base
NetworkManager -
Network connection manager and user applications
biosdevname -
Udev helper for naming devices per BIOS names
cman -
Red Hat Cluster Manager
cmirror -
Daemon for device-mapper-based clustered mirrors
corosync -
The Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming Interfaces
cpuspeed -
CPU frequency adjusting daemon
debugmode -
Scripts for running in debugging mode
device-mapper -
Device mapper utility
device-mapper-event -
Device-mapper event daemon
device-mapper-multipath -
Tools to manage multipath devices using device-mapper
dracut -
Initramfs generator using udev
dracut-caps -
Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs which drops capabilities
dracut-fips -
Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check
dracut-fips-aesni -
Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check with aesni-intel
dracut-generic -
Metapackage to build a generic initramfs with dracut
dracut-kernel -
Metapackage to build generic initramfs with dracut with only kernel modules
dracut-network -
Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with network support
dracut-tools -
Dracut tools to build the local initramfs
fence-agents -
Fence Agents for Red Hat Cluster
glibc-common -
Common binaries and locale data for glibc
initscripts -
The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts
irqbalance -
IRQ balancing daemon
kpartx -
Partition device manager for device-mapper devices
krb5-workstation -
Kerberos 5 programs for use on workstations
logrotate -
Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files
lvm2 -
Userland logical volume management tools
lvm2-cluster -
Cluster extensions for userland logical volume management tools
nss-pam-ldapd -
An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
pam_ssh_agent_auth -
PAM module for authentication with ssh-agent
pm-utils -
Power management utilities and scripts
quota -
System administration tools for monitoring users' disk usage
quota-devel -
Development files for quota
rdma -
Infiniband/iWARP Kernel Module Initializer
resource-agents -
Open Source HA Reusable Cluster Resource Scripts
setroubleshoot-doc -
Setroubleshoot documentation
system-config-language -
A graphical interface for modifying the system language
udev -
A userspace implementation of devfs
util-linux-ng -
A collection of basic system utilities